The BERG GO is our smallest pedal gokart suitable for children aged 10 to 30 months. This small pedal go-kart is not to be underestimated. On it, the child learns to ride scooters and step into the pedals. Two in one so at the beginning, the pedals can remain folded so that the child can use the pedal go-kart like a scooter. The BERG GO is designed to be easily used as a running car without the pedals or rear wheels getting in the way. When your child is ready for the next phase, the pedals can be easily folded out. So your child will learn to ride on the mountain GO. You do not need to be afraid of falls, because the Berg Go stands stable on the ground with its four wheels. Safety comes first, thanks to the design and material of the Berg Go, this pedal go-kart fits perfectly with your child and his age. The saddle and handlebars do not need to be adjusted, because the child always sits perfectly on the Berg Go. Your child will ride off without effort, as this pedal go-kart runs very smoothly and is equipped with direct drive. Thanks to the whisper-quiet tyres, the child can even ride without noise. In short, the Berg Go is the best choice, because it not only offers great fun but also contributes to the development of the child. So your child can easily discover the world. Has the child grown? No problem. On the Berg Go, children always sit perfectly without having to adjust the saddle or handlebars. Learn to ride scooters and pedals on the BergGO. Two in one. The relief on the saddle secures the child against slipping. Whisper-quiet tyres that not only do a noise-free ride, but also never get a plate. Thanks to the direct drive, the child drives with the Berg Go without effort. The ball bearings in the pedal and rear axle are smooth-running, effortless driving. With this pedal go-kart, the child can not only drive forward, but also backwards. On four wheels stable and safe on the go. The child retains control, as handlebars and pedals work independently. Thanks to the ergonomic design, the child's feet do not come into contact with the pedals or rear wheels. With its linear ergonomic design, the Berg Go is a real eye-catcher in and around the house. only big play but also contributes to the physical and cognitive development of the child. Available in five cool, timeless colours.